Kamakazy ® Copy Right 2005 All Rights Reserved. Public License Version 1.1 The information provided on this page is correct to the best of my knowledge, but things change pretty rapidly. I disseminate the information with noble intentions. However, any interaction with me may cause unwanted results. For any questions consult my attorney...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


So far so good, everything seems to be going as planned...

After Tiwi, we head to Sur to meet my family, then go to meet the college people... Lets see how it goes... Some people from the office might join us...

College update: Abdulaziz Al-Habsi is MCBS Student Council president after getting about 196 votes, Hassan Lawati came second with about 80 votes, Umair third with 60 votes and Luluwa Ismaely forth with about 30 votes.

They all gave a speech yesterday and the voting started today from 9AM to and the present announced at 6:30PM. 1000 1000 Mabrook to Azooz, hope he makes a change.


Blogger Kamakazy said...

Mindazi, the whole college was filled with posters, pic of the nominies, some random quotes from them. the current presedent Azooz had posters up with, things like "dont vote for me, vote for me if you are with me, because you are with me", he had trouble with his speach, but he was the most populer person in college, in the end this is a populrity contest... :-(

Hassan was over confident

Umar was with the girls

Luluwa didnt raise her voice, didnt grab the audience...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:58:00 PM


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