Tagged by Namika
Last book you read: Programing Languages (a book is a book)
Last phone number you called: My brother
Last show you watched on TV: My wife and kids
Last thing you had to drink: Water
Last thing you ate: Salad
Last time you cried: 2 years ago
Last time you smiled: A few min ago
Last person you hugged: A friend I didnt not see or heard of for the past 3 years
Last person you talked to on the phone: My cousin, he was with my brother
Last thing you smelled: My fingers...
Last CD that you bought: Global Underground - not sure which one...
Last song you sang: Ma-ia-hii... Ma-ia-huu... Ma-ia-hoo... Ma-ia-haha... I dont sing...
Last thing you laughed at: My friends driving...
What's in your CD player: Two Tribes
What time did you wake up today: 8:00AM, yes, i was late for work...
Current favorite article of clothing: Dishdasha...
Favorite place to be: At home
Least favorite place: Far away from home...
Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes
In Heaven or Hell: Yes
How tall are you: 6'3"
Current favorite word: Makadisho (has to be said like that)
Favorite Book: No favorites
Random lyric: I wake up in the morning and I ask myself, is life worth living or should I blast myself
If I could be doing anything right now, I would be: Sleeping
Are you a daredevil?: Yes
Have you ever told a secret you swore you'd never tell?: No
Do looks matter?: In this world, of course...
How do you release your anger? By throwing punches
My second home is: Australia
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: My past...
All you need is: Happiness
Something I want but I don't really need is: A new car
Something I need but I don't really want is: A wife
*do you...*
drink?: No
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
have a dream that keeps coming back?: Yes
believe there is life on other planets?: Yes
read the newspaper?: When I have the time
consider yourself tolerant of others?: To a certain extent
consider police a friend or foe?: Foe, Foe, Foe...
I tag Batloot...