Kamakazy ® Copy Right 2005 All Rights Reserved. Public License Version 1.1 The information provided on this page is correct to the best of my knowledge, but things change pretty rapidly. I disseminate the information with noble intentions. However, any interaction with me may cause unwanted results. For any questions consult my attorney...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


What language, don’t know really… someone tell me… I like the way the word sounds. PARADOX… galactic enterprise II featuring yourself!

By: Batloot

Updates & Thanks

I would first like to thank Kazablanka for helping me out with my introductions... Your a charm...

I would also like to direct your attention to the 'weather' on the bottom right o this window... an update add on...

We are finished with our project, it went on very well... We are under going training right now... I also went back to college after missing my classes for about a month... i have alot of catching up to do... not to mention assignments, quizs and midterms... God help me...

Thanks for passing by,


Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Well, I am him! The anonymous random person. You will never find or see unless you ask the right people the right questions. Are all these unexplainable so called short story poems things necessary? I would say yes. Take a look deep down inside, you might find a message. Did I answer your question, I hope not!

By: Batloot

Hippy Hippo!

The confused Hippo who is a Hippy. Hippos are fat, stinky, disgusting and just plain rude. But what if it’s a Hippy? I would take it as a freak. A freak in search of nonexistent colors. Dancing about flabbing its fat all over the place, trying to grab the last chocolate out of the box. What’s that smell!? Stupid Hippy Hippo!

By: Batloot


What the hell is meat? It is a food dammit, stick it in your mouth and chew on it. How often do we eat it? Just on Fridays. But I prefer chicken. Meat rhymes with feet but does not relate at all. Feet has meat on it, but would not advise you to eat!

By: Batloot